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Fighting Charges of Shoplifting in Nevada
Fighting and winning in Nevada "Petty Larceny" cases; defenses
5 things to know if you are busted for shoplifting in Nevada
Busted for "shoplifting" in Las Vegas? Advice from former deputy D.A. (UPDATED LAW IN DESCRIPTION)
Fighting Charges of Grand Larceny in Nevada
Can I still be convicted of "shoplifting" in Nevada if I just forgot to pay?
What is the crime of "Petty Larceny" (Petit Larceny) in Nevada? Penalties
Las Vegas Theft Crimes Lawyer: Petty & Grand Larceny Charges
Las Vegas police continue targeting retail theft, question Nevada's shoplifting threshold
Does "shoplifting" go on my criminal record in Nevada?
Can I go to jail for "grand larceny" in Nevada?
Can my "burglary" or "larceny" charge get dismissed in Nevada?